#74) Sunday, October 6, 2024
10:am – Noon, Pacific Time
Convert to your timezone
#75) Sunday, October 20, 2024
1:00 – 3:00 pm, Pacific Time
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Satsang / satsanga / satsangam is a word that comes from Sanskrit, meaning to associate with true people or to be in the company of true people.
Each Visual Satsang is unique.
They are co-created with those who come and what arises at that time.
We start with 10 Minutes of Meditation.
Then REPORTS (check-ins) and ARISINGS (processing).
We take a non-dual approach (everything is met in the moment and welcomed).
Processing methods include Self Inquiry, Polarities, Parts Work, Projection, Visioning, Systemic Constellations and more.
As a Visual Coach I use my digital tablet to literally draw out what unfolds.
Gatherings are via Zoom. Reminder sent one day and one hour before. Follow up email sent when recordings and maps have been posted. Recordings are nestled in our private forum, only available for folks who register (not shared publicly). Donations are appreciated but not required, as you like.
You can be in supportive community during these shifting times!
Christina Merkley
The SHIFT-IT Coach
P.S. Private Satsangs (16 weeks twice a year) and Private Sessions are also available. Plus online courses and trainings.
Assistance: Contact us at