Visual Satsangs

Christina Merkley at her tablet drawing visual maps for Private Visual Satsangs. Title: True People, Inner Work, Visual Tools - Drawing Your Inner Wisdom Out

Public Drop-Ins
2 Hours  – By Donation
1st and 3rd Sunday of Each Month: click here for info and registration

Private Satsang
Fall 2024: Private Cohort – Online (16 Sessions)
Weekly: Saturdays, October 5, 2024 – January 25, 2025
10am – Noon Pacific Time
convert to your time zone

Scroll Below for Info and Registration 


Satsang / satsanga / satsangam is a word that comes from Sanskrit, meaning to associate with true people or to be in the company of true people.

As my Seva (public service work) I offer free Free Public Satsangs and Free Individual Sessions. To assist thoughtful people to meet all that these intense times are bringing (health, racial justice, environmental and economic uncertainty, polarized politics, war, etc.).

The Private Visual Satsangs are an extension of that work. They are paid, private and with the same people over an extended weekly cohort. They provide deep personal and professional support during a transformational era that is history in the making! 


Visual Satsangs are for “True People”.

True means we meet each other as we truly are – drop the masks (literally and figuratively).  No matter where on the emotional scale we are at the moment – joy, hope, boredom, worry, fear, anger, sadness, grief, etc.

We meet during a chaotic time in history – to do our deep Inner Work to keep ourselves calm, stable and centered. Together we support each other personally and professionally, as the current chaos impacts each of us in our own way.

As a teacher of process skills, I attract fellow practitioners (leaders, managers, facilitators, coaches, trainers, therapists, teachers, organizational development, change management, human resources, community organizers, advocates, etc.).  I also attract creative and deep-hearted people from other walks of life. All are welcome.

These Satsangs are the adage of the oxygen mask. We hook ourselves up to oxygen first, then we can assist others in our lives and work. Our Inner Work helps ourselves, those around us, and is a contribution to humanity at large. Perhaps one of the greatest contributions we can give. As at the deepest levels, we are all One.

Kundalini Is Awakening

Why Can’t I Focus and Act?

His Professional Dilemma

Resistance to Contributing



  • Enhance Ability to Cope and Function Both Personally and Professionally;
  • More Meaningful Connections and Less Isolation and Separateness;
  • Increase Self Awareness and Decrease Triggering and Reactive Conditioning;
  • Increase Comfort With Duality, Paradox and Complexity;
  • Better Ability to Neutrally Access and Make Decisions;
  • Greater Compassion, Empathy and Understanding of Self and Others;
  • Calmer Nervous System and Nurturance for Your Body, Mind and Spirit;
  • More Familiarity and Dexterity with Working Visually; and
  • Friends and Colleagues to Consciously Go Through These Crazy Times With!

Tender Inner Child

Meet the Fire of Collective Trauma

View Video
Resources from the Right Brain

Antidote for Single Mom Overwhelm



  • Global, international, national, regional and local events;
  • Business, career, right livelihood and finances;
  • Health (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual);
  • Personal and professional relationships;
  • Empowerment and sovereignty;
  • Left Brain (doing) partnered with Right Brain (being);
  • Creativity, authentic expression and working visually;
  • Subtle energy, clair abilities and kundalini;
  • Ancestral connection and alignment; and
  • Loss, illness, dying, death and beyond the veil.

We don’t always agree on everything. In fact, Satsang Members sometimes hold polar opposite views from one another.  Which acts as a useful portal for deep inner work, on both sides of a polarity.

By visually processing together, we have the incredible and rare opportunity to be ‘let under the hood’.  To deeply see inside the history, context and inner world of our fellow Human Beings.

In doing so our Hearts are increasingly opened and our Minds gain more nuanced understanding of the human condition, both individually and collectively.

As a long-time Facilitator, that’s something I strongly believe we need more of in the world nowadays!

The Roots of Her Money Issues

Dee’s Done With Corporate

View Video
The Wounded Bite Back

Laid Off … But Not For Long



Satsangs are held weekly via 2-Hour Zoom sessions.

Each session begins with 10 minutes of Meditation.

In the first 7 sessions, I introduce and demo our range of tools and approaches, applying them to what members bring forth.

After familiarity with the tools is established, we shift into an emergent structure – organically working with what arises with those tools.

Each session is co-created by the members and by what is most ‘up’. Time is shared evenly among members over the course of the Satsang.

I am a Whole Brain advocate. We work with both our Left Brains (mind, logical, rational, masculine, doing and conscious) and our Right Brains (heart, belly, emotional, intuitive, feminine, being and subconscious).  The marriage of both brings calm, stability, wisdom, maturity and true strength.

As a seasoned Process Facilitator and Coach, I have many tools and modalities to help us meet what arises.

Working Visually: I work visually using a drawing tablet. Most of these protocols (with the exception of meditation) are done visually as I spontaneously scribe what Satsang members bring forth.

Meditation: soothing mental chatter and settling the nervous system.

Self Inquiry: respectfully meeting what is and what arises to balance.

Systemic Constellation: a spatial/visual way of relating to people, places, things, events, etc.

AlphaMind: a creative, fun and efficient way to interact with your subconscious.

Orphan Rescue: a loving way to integrate parts that have been lost, forgotten or abandoned.

Polarity Squares: the art of reclaiming our individual and collective shadows.

Future Selves: timeline allies to tap into for wisdom, advice and love.

Magnetism Maps: visioning tools to focus on what is desired (solo, pair, group, planet and galaxy).

Alignment Maps: deep tools to assist with the excavation of beliefs and honing your focus.

Take Action Plan: organize your beings and doings into one central game plan.

Other protocols from  SHIFT-IT and Practical Energy Work may also appear depending on what is needed.


Satsangs are conducted via live web conference technology. Each week we connect via Zoom. To participate, you need a computer with decent internet speed. Phone apps and dial-in numbers are also available. All sessions are video and mp3 recorded for easy replay (should you miss a gathering or want to re-listen). Recordings are only shared with members (no public distribution). We also have a private online forum, which allows us to communicate.


Christina Merkley working at her tablet sketching maps with Presley the puppy in her lap

With a Masters Degree in Organizational Development & Transformation (ODT), I began my visual consulting career in the San Francisco Bay area in the mid-90s, traveling extensively throughout North America and Europe.

I honed my early skills in graphic recording, facilitation and coaching working for corporate clients including Hewlett-Packard, eBay, Stanford University, British Broadcast Corp (BBC), The Institute for the Future and the American Institute of CPAs.

Through my SHIFT-IT School, I’ve trained thousands in all aspects of working visually (Studio Work, Graphic Recording, Graphic Facilitation and Graphic Coaching). Many of the notable names in this niche industry have been or are my clients and students.

I’ve been an early innovator in the Visual Coaching niche, broadening the reach of visual methods into deeper, more intimate work with individuals, partners and small processing groups.  I mentor other practitioners in my tools via Visual Coach Certification, and have a vibrant international Private Practice.

Well-versed in many process modalities: Strategic Planning, Visioning, Scenarios, Team Performance, Conflict Resolution, Appreciative Inquiry, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, NLP, Voice Dialogue, Trauma and Attachment, Parts Work, BodyTalk, Shamanic Journeying and Systemic Constellations, to name a few.

In 2009, I experienced a Kundalini Awakening that heightened my intuitive, mediumistic and energy abilities, which continue to unfold. Shakti is increasingly shifting my work and service into non-dual Visual Satsangs with Self Inquiry.

My awakening is not special – we are all awakening. We help walk each other back home during these catalytic times.

I live in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia, Canada and work online with clients globally. With Presley, my sweet-natured chihuahua, by my side.

Christina’s Visual Bio: View Here YouTube Video: Watch Here


Basic and Accessibility Levels:

  • 16 Weekly Live 2-Hour Interactive Webinars;
  • Video & MP3 Recordings and PDFs of Visual Recordings;
  • Visual Maps: Self Inquiry, Orphan Rescue, Alphamind, Constellation Maps, Future Self, Magnetism Maps, Polarity Squares and other SHIFT-IT and Practical Energy Work maps; and
  • 24/7 Online Forum.

Deluxe Level:

Everything in Basic Level, plus 3 Private Coaching Sessions with Christina including visual notes (online via Zoom, 45 minutes each). Special price reduced from regular coaching rates.

*** Note on Use of Techniques and Visual Maps: The techniques and Visual Maps provided in the Satsang are for use on yourself to assist with your own Inner Work. If you would like to use my techniques and tools with your own clientele, you may through proper training via Visual Coach Certification. Satsangs are useful for past and current Certified Visual Coaches and those planning that route in the future. Witness me in action with the leading edge of my work.

Christina Merkley at her tablet in her home office with greenery and plants all around for this banner for Private Visual Satsangs


THREE LEVELS: Basic, Deluxe and Accessibility.

Currency: I am Canadian, so my fees are in Canadian, CAD, currency. Currently, the Canadian dollar is low which translates into extra savings for Americans, Europeans and some other locales (save 20%+). Approximates of USD and Euro conversions are given.




Saturdays: October 5, 2024 – January 25, 2025
(16 Sessions)
10am – Noon Pacific Time

convert to your timezone

Limited to 10 Spots to Ensure Individualized Attention

$497.00 CAD

($362 USD / €332*)


  • 16 Weekly Live 2-Hour Interactive Webinars.
  • Video & MP3 Recordings.
  • Visual Maps and Additional Resources.
  • 24/7 Private Online Forum.

1 payment of $497.00 CAD ($362 USD / €332*)
3 payments of $182.00 CAD ($133 USD / €121*)
7 payments of $85.00 CAD ($62 USD / €57*)


$997.00 CAD

($726 USD / €665*)


Everything in Basic Level, plus
Three Private Coaching Sessions with Christina Merkley (online via Zoom, 45 minutes each). Special price reduced from regular coaching rates.

1 payment of $997.00 CAD ($726 USD / €665*)
3 payments of $350.00 CAD ($255 USD / €233*)
10 payments of $110.00 CAD ($80 USD / €73*)


ACCESSIBILITY LEVEL $247.00 CAD ($180 USD / €165*)

Same as Basic Level. For folks who can’t afford regular plans due to currency devaluation and/or financial difficulties. Please be honest so people who truly need them aren’t left out.

1 payment of $247.00 CAD ($180 USD / €165*)
3 monthly payments of $85.00 CAD ($62 USD / €57*)
7 monthly payments of $40.00 CAD ($29 USD / €27*)



* Fees are in Canadian Funds. The USD and EUR fees quoted are approximate. The exact exchange fluctuates and depends on the day/time purchased and the policies of the credit card used (see for daily rate). Plus applicable taxes for Canadian residents. Payment plans are legal contracts to be fulfilled per the terms stated. The 1 pay is the most affordable option, as payment plans include additional fees. The first payment is immediate, then pulled every 30 days until complete.

My honor to assist as the shift is upon us.

Christina Merkley, Process Professional Yours In Shifting It,

P.S. Questions? Email us at Ask for a Free Exploratory Chat should you wish to speak with me directly about the Satsangs.