Online Home Study Kits

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SHIFT-IT Bundle | Visual Skills Bundle | Visual Coach Certification Bundle | Individual Kits

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The SHIFT-IT Bundle

Conduct a Visual Coaching Retreat on Yourself:

Your life isn’t a dress rehearsal. In fact, it’s happening right NOW. You can easily see, accept and shift your path with the step-by-step SHIFT-IT Visual Coaching system. This innovative kit actually walks you through your past, present and future so you can plot out your directions and strategies, and get your energy aligned. SHIFT-IT has already helped hundreds live life by design, not by accident. Learn how it can help you too!

* Now includes 2 Kits for the price of one!

  1. SHIFT-IT Home Retreat Kit: Visually reflect on your life to thoughtfully create your next chapter.
  2. Practical Energy Work: Experience your whole brain abilities for energetic alignment! More Info.

Logos for 2 home study kits: Shift-It in pale blue with a line art looping arrow; practical energy work in purple with a sketch of atoms orbiting a center.

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The Visual Skills Bundle

Add Powerful Visual Skills to Your Process Toolkit:

For Process Leads From Across the Globe! Whether you already work visually or are new to the medium – from business leaders, managers, consultants, and facilitators to teachers, therapists, coaches, and creatives. Join our global Visual Coaching tribe and be inspired by the many ways you can apply these helpful skills today!

* Now includes 4 Kits for the price of one!

  1. Fundamentals of Visual Coaching: Visual techniques for guiding individuals, partners, and groups. More Info.
  2. Shift Into Digital Work: Add digital options to your service offerings. More Info.
  3. Cartoon & Storyboard Techniques: Add cartoon and storyboard techniques to your toolkit. More Info.
  4. Fundamentals of Working Visually: Helps you with Graphic Recording and Facilitation applications. More Info.

3 icons for Fundamentals of Working Visually, Shift Into Digital Work and Cartoon and Storyboard Techniques - online course kits


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The Certified Visual Coach Bundle

Use My Signature System and 40+ Visual Coaching Tools in Your Own Practice:

Working visually with individuals and partners is sacred work. Visual Coach Certification is for coaches, therapists, counselors, advocates, mediators and other helpers. Ethically use my SHIFT-IT System and over 40+ Visual Coaching tools in your own practice. Join with like-minded and hearted practitioners from around the globe for supervision and community, as you shift yourself to shift others.

* Certification now includes these 3 Kits!

  1. Business Essentials for Process Professionals: Define, build, or revamp your operations in the $50-300K range. Whether a newbie or a seasoned pro, this program demystifies the nuts and bolts of a successful independent practice. More Info.
  2. Fast and Loose Sketching with Rhoda Draws: Mirror the thoughts and feelings of clients. For those who have no or little formal art training, and those who do have formal art training however need to loosen and quicken their style. More Info.
  3. More Heads and Hands with Rhoda Draws: More on faces, emotions and hand gestures. More Info.

Logos for 3 home study kits: Business essentials in green with money line art in a circle; Fast and Loose Sketching in pale yellow with hand sketching a building in line art; fast and loose sketching heads and hands in pale orange with sketchbook lineart showing a pencil and a head

Full Details on Certification


Shift Into Digital Work

Fundamentals of Working Visually

Cartoon and Storyboard Techniques

Practical Energy Work

Business Essentials for Process Professionals

Fast & Loose Sketching

Sketching Heads and Hands

Shifting the Power


SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc. All Rights Reserved.