I told this story (at least the older part about the car) in my last Merkley’s Manifestation Mastermind series and it struck a chord as several members also manifested cars within a few weeks from me telling it. So I’ll now share it in written form, here on the blog (please forgive the length but I wanted to use it as a teaching tool to make some Law of Attraction points … and to include an exciting update about a condo I just manifested too!)…

I had an old car for a long time – for 12+ years (and it was old when I got it!). A little blue compact… called a Pontiac Lemans – affectionately known as Little Blue, My French Car (because of the ‘le’), and in my more stressed moments as That-Embarrassing-Piece-of-S_#t-I-Don’t-Want-to-Be-Seen-In.

At one time, this car was the ‘cat’s meow’ to me (funny saying that, what exactly does that mean anyways?… Well, to me it means that I was very grateful and happy to have it). I got it when I was a starving grad student (notice the use of the word ‘starving’… hmmm).

Anyway. I had just had my breakthrough as a Graphic Recorder working at The Grove Consultants in San Francisco, and I had to have a vehicle to drive myself to and from recording gigs. I needed a car bad, and as I was still completing school and was a Canadian living in the U.S. on a student visa, I didn’t have access to usual credit sources.

Along came a consultant friend Eliska, with her husband’s old car. He had had it for years (bought it from an old woman who used it to grocery shop once a week was the story they told). And Gary only drove it on Sunday’s to his long running football game with his buddies, as he used Muni to go to work (Muni is subway system). Sooooo, it was an old car, with very little mileage. Didn’t look like much, but its mechanics were solid.

I bought it and was very happy to do so. I had been using San Francisco’s public transportation system to get around… an eye-opening and educational experience for a sheltered Canadian gal. I’ll never forget coming home late from work on the Muni one Friday night, on the Castro line around 9pm, and watching the looks on the faces of two older female tourists (probably from Midwest) as the guy standing right in front of them was wearing chaps with his bare bum hanging out (and it wasn’t the prettiest bum in the world either!). Ahhhhh, San Francisco, I miss that crazy town…

Anyway, I digress on bums… the point is, I was glad to have that little blue car. I would come around the corner and see it parked and be all proud that it was mine and stand just a little bit taller as a result. That I was a self-sufficient career gal in the city, getting my big break and I was going for it.

I drove that car and loved it for years… developing my chops as a Graphic Recorder and Graphic Facilitator. I sped around all over the San Francisco Bay area… down to Silicon Valley, up to Napa, over to Sacramento. Learned to weave in and out of big city traffic. Be assertive and hold my ground on the freeway. Parallel park on seemingly 90-degree hills — with a stick shift. It was a great little car and I was happy as a clam (oh, by the way… the Abraham teachings actually do clarify that clams are happy thanks to a question by Jerry Hicks).

Then an interesting thing happened. I moved into Pacific Heights then the Union Street area – really posh neighbourhoods, filled with lots of young, highflying dotcom types. They all wore their cars like uniforms, and their status symbol of choice was the deep blue BMW. And I suddenly began to feel embarrassed about my car. Thankful that street parking was so bad that it was normal to park your car blocks from where you lived. That was when the vibrational shift with my car started and where my love/hate fascination with the BMW was born.

To continue with this story and timeline… all heck shortly broke loose in San Francisco. First it was the dotcom implosion. Then it was 911 (which was a big spiritual wake up call in my life). Then it was boyfriend troubles. After a year of sporadic work (nobody was doing the specialty, strategic meetings that I had built my budding career around)… I decided to return home to Canada and somehow really go for my dreams of creating a graphic coaching niche and tool set. And I brought Little Blue with me.

Little Blue made the two-day trip from San Francisco to Victoria, BC like a champ. Her mechanics still were solid, her engine liked to take long runs… she just had this annoying little habit of dropping body parts as she went. Like side panels, mirrors and window handles. But hey, you can live without those things, right? No big deal. Especially when funds were low and I was on a mission to do something with the ideas in my head.

The first few years in Victoria were fine. No big image pressure in the car department in this town. Crappy cars are everywhere. It’s the uniform here; at least for a big chunk of the population… a testament to the island’s kickback, life-balance, I-have-better-things-to-do-with-my-money-and-life attitude.

I dug that laid back attitude as it took the pressure off. It bought me a few more years of having a less than average car. It allowed me to plow my money into my business… building two websites, buying design help for my products, paying a big name copywriter to do my first sales letter for me, attending internet marketing related events and coaching programs down in the States (even when the exchange rate on my dollar was 50% less… god I love that our currency is up to par now!). Not having my money rolled into a fancy car was a really handy thing!

But then I started to feel embarrassed again and it was effecting my vibration again, and I knew that it had finally come time to do something about my car. I stuck a picture of a BMW on my Vision Board. I noticed Beemers everywhere – at the gym, parked outside of my house, clients and colleagues had them. But my resistance was such that I couldn’t justify going out and financing one with a big monthly payment as my newly incorporated SHIFT-IT Coach business was my main priority, not some pretty, flashy car (notice the judgment in those last few words… its important).

So, what did I do? I did Law of Attraction exercises especially some of the ones in the back of Jerry and Esther Hick’s Ask and It is Given (I love that book and highly recommend it!). I did appreciation work: purposefully remembering how I had felt when I got Little Blue way back when (and my Fiat convertible before that), how it had served me well all those many years with virtually nothing more than a few tune-ups, how it had got me through some really interesting and amazing chapters in my life. I re-connected with good feelings about cars again, instead of the grumbling I had sunk into.

I also started to do Virtual Reality: I imagined myself having a car that had everything in working order (the fan blew air, the windows were easy to roll up, the stereo worked so I could crank music and Abraham CDs again). I imagined it coming easy somehow, thru some alternative route than a car dealership. I ‘found the feeling place’ to borrow Jerry and Esther Hick’s phrase. And I sat in nice cars wherever I could, including in my business coach’s BMW when I was attending my platinum mastermind retreat with her in Palm Desert.

Then, a very cool thing happened. My Dad called me two days after I got back from California and told me I could have his car by the end of the week if I wanted. Turns out an investment of his paid back after many years, and he was buying Mom and himself new cars… just like that. And did I want to have his old car… correction, did I want to have ‘his baby’.

Let me explain… Dad was/is a little attached to his car. It was a classy car. An Acura Legend that he had purchased brand new… back in the day. He’d had the engine re-hauled a few years ago instead of parting with it. Mom tells me car aficionados would stop him on the street, as it’s a classic and so well maintained. So, in giving me his car, he was basically guaranteeing himself ongoing visitation rights.

So, I was given a car. Just like that. The universe’s match to the vibration I was offering. And I also got a big dollop of support and love from my Dad too, which was a nice side benefit (something I was also working to find the feeling place of).

Side note: I know this might sound funny, but I drive in my bare-feet a lot in the summer, as I wear flip flops as much as I can. And I kick them off when I drive, so they don’t get caught up in the pedals. So, in my bare feet I can feel the pedal and how it is worn down by my Dad’s foot over the years. Makes me feel close to him. Supported. So my vibration is subtly boosted every time my foot feels that indentation.

Now, some might say “big deal”, you got an old car from your father. However, from my interpretation I got evidence of my vibrational shift. Law of Attraction tells us that you get what you focus on. Like attracts like. Because I had chosen to consciously ‘find the feeling place’ of a better feeling car, I attracted one. I also still had quite a bit of resistance at play… judgments about the BMW and about spending money on a nice car rather than on other things. Soooooo, I got a car to the level that I could ‘allow’. Making the jump from the Lemans to the BMW, in one fell swoop, was just to great a leap for me. So I got a ‘bridge’ car instead… a car that would allow me to feel the BMW more easily.

And I can. From the Acura I can feel class. I can feel engineering. I can feel care. I can feel craftsmanship. I can feel a whole lot of nice things that were just near impossible for me to get in contact with when I sat in my old Lemans. From the Acura, it is not such a leap for me to imagine getting a BMW. I don’t feel despondent or conflicted about it like I did in the Lemans. I feel hopeful. And that is what Abraham would call a significant emotional shift.

Now, I haven’t given up on the BMW. In fact, I know it is coming, or something that matches that same essence. And, in the meantime, I’m content to be with the Acura. I’m appreciative of where I am. For the bridge that it provides from where I have been to where I will be. And while this new-to-me-car has been a delight in and of itself, I notice upgrading my car has had a significant impact in other areas of my life too, as an improved vibration is an improved vibration… so lots of things that match that new energetic are attracted.

I was so tickled by the experience of manifesting the car that I turned next to considering my apartment. I love my 1912, arts and craft style apartment but I have been in it 6 years, ever since I moved back to Victoria from San Francisco. It had seen me through my whole branding, product development and business start-up phase. But after getting the car I became aware that I had outgrown my place too… all of a sudden it just wasn’t a match anymore and it started to feel constraining and uncomfortable to me… kind of like the Lemans had felt.

I started driving my new car over to cool condo complexes that I really liked in town, just sitting there and having a coffee or eating my lunch. It just felt good to be in that area of town. I knew I wanted to live there, but to begin with, it just felt like too great a stretch, too much of a leap.

Then, I attracted a few resources to me (another CD set around Law of Attraction, and then two back-to-back tele-seminars on LOA topics put on by two of my favourite female mentors with the same LOA guru… who was making the internet marketing rounds). (I’ll write about this experience in more depth in a future post). After being inspired by all of the stories and anecdotes shared by these generous folks, my thoughts and feelings started to shift about the possibility of also shifting my locale. If they could do it, I could do… in my own way that was authentic and right for me.

Well… its exciting for me to say this… I just heard word today from the nice property management woman, that I am the approved tenant for a lovely water view condo, complete with hot tub on the roof deck – yippee! I can see the cruise ships coming in and the seaplanes taking off. It’s awesome!

Now… it is a rental. I didn’t go out and buy a place. I couldn’t do that at this point in time. But ‘funny’ enough, I can see my favourite building of the whole city from my new living room window… so it will be beckoning me, just like the Beemer. My lovely new living space feels like it is an excellent bridge too. Just like the car it is a vibrational match to where I now am… and is an excellent springboard for moving to my next level after that. Step by step.

Soooooo, it has been a powerful couple of months to say the least. And I’m very pleased with my manifestations. A good reminder to me that things can move quickly when the emotional journey has lined up. I’m very grateful to the Abraham, Elias and Theo teachings that have influenced me so much and to the many mentors and colleagues who have been assisting me lately… including Melanie Benson-Strick, Ali Brown and David Neagle<... and my trusty and positive virtual assistant, Erin Blaskie. A big thank you to them all! Its great to have so many wonderful people helping me play a bigger game. So i can continue to assist others in doing the same. Here are a few photos so you can see the different manifestation shifts that I've been writing about: Here’s Little Blue … getting hauled away to be donated to The Kidney Foundation.

Here’s the new-to-me car … my bridge car to my eventual BMW.

Have loved my neighborhood of the last 6 years, annnddddd, am happy to be moving into this new one (here’s a shot of the area).

My new living and studio space … lots of light and a water view … great for doing tele and in-person coaching.

Here’s the view … trees and water (and there will be much more water when the leaves drop in the fall).

Yeah! Roof top hot tub …

The view from the hot tub … the water and the stars.

And, here is the home of my Future Self … called Shoal Point, here in Victoria. I need to get a picture from the inside … so i can find the feeling place of viewing the world from that vantage point.

Soooo, this is a story around my latest physical / material world manifestations. There are many things one can manifest and many inner shifts that need to happen for folks to manifest what they want. Soooo, what’s the ‘IT’ you want to SHIFT? Material stuff? Prosperity? Satisfying work? More fun? Relationship? Health? Some combo?

We’ll get you SHIFTed too!

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