The Hero & Queen Archetypes and Law of Attraction

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I’ve been through a fantastic journey these last 7 years as I left my life as a graphic facilitator and graphic recorder in San Francisco to build my passion in the new niche of “graphic coaching” … and an even narrower niche in my SHIFT-IT work (helping people shift their worlds and energies via deep thinking and energy work).

Along the way, I’ve had to grow myself in order to help manifest my Vision. Natural constraints emerged along the path and there were opportunities to rise to the growth challenge (or succumb). Lots of tests –to walk one’s talk and live one’s values … the classic hero’s journey ala Joseph Campbell or Carl Jung.

Having navigated a good stage of my own journey (and it of course continues) I now have the distinct pleasure of assisting people on their journeys. Teaching them the interactive-graphics techniques that have served me so well in my work with groups and individuals. The online model that enables me to live on a beautiful west coast island yet connects with like-minded people across the globe. And the inner work methods that help me to persevere and prosper despite my fears and vulnerabilities. These things are very attractive to certain people … other heroes navigating their own unique journey who want and need quality assistance.

The Hero Archetype:

In the preceding paragraphs, a strong archetype has been evoked – that of the hero. Archetypes are universal symbols that stretch across cultures … that stir our imaginations and energies. While it is universal, the hero archetype has a decidedly masculine energy to it … whether it is occurring inside a man or a woman. That of the individual setting out for an unknown destination … and in the myths they usually find themselves returning (after a curvaceous series of twists and turns) back to the home location that they originally left. Just like I have in returning back to my birth province of British Columbia.

Side Note: In tarot, this character and journey is often alluded to as the ‘the fool’s journey’!

The Queen Archetype:

I personally love the hero archetype and obviously resonate with it (as so many of you do too). However, another strong archetype is rising to the forefront of my consciousness and she is decidedly feminine: The Queen. The one who stayed home to benevolently manage the realm while the hero was gallivanting around! In tarot, I particularly resonate with the Queen of Cups.

Side Note: The latest Robin Hood movie with Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett carries this energy – with her in the strong Maid Marion role. Also, for a thoughtful blog post on the queen energy and archetype, click here.

Just like the Hero, this archetype can occur within a man or a woman, as we all have our masculine and feminine energies within us (or anima and animus as Jung conceptualized them). I’m not as familiar with this archetype as the hero … but I am beginning to get ‘whiffs’ of her … and I like her! To me, this energy is about being a grounded and fair person. Of being confident and comfortable (and caring) in my abilities, power, and role in the world. Of doing good, helping and assisting and also having a dignity, grace, and respect for myself.

I’m uncomfortable with the ‘over’ or ‘above’ feel that the queen energy might have mixed in with it, at least at first glance … perhaps a holdover from the power struggle energy of real queens and monarchs in the past (Elizabeth I of England comes to mind … another great role that Cate Blanchett brought to the silver screen). However, there is something in the Queen archetype that regular people like myself can harvest for good effect. And I’m currently in a quest to understand that.

Side Note: Relationship researcher Allison Armstrong has a ‘Queen Workshop’ in her series of partnership trainings … I’m registered to take it in March.  Visit her website: click here.

Archetypes and Law of Attraction

So, you might be asking … ‘why are archetypes useful’ and ‘what do they have to do with Law of Attraction’ methods?! I’m glad you asked! : D

Archetypes are useful because they are shortcuts to accessing different types of energy. Law of Attraction is all about being aware of the energy you are emitting – because what you emit is what you attract. Like attracts like.

There are all kinds of archetypes … some of them useful or beneficial and some of them not (victim, martyr, judge, prostitute, problem child, etc). It can be very helpful to become aware of the positive archetypes that you resonate with. And to use these archetypes to ‘find the feeling place’ of what that stance of way and way of being in the world feels like … so you can consciously choose to emit that energy and hence attract things that match it into your life.

Having navigated a good stage of my own journey (and it of course continues) I now have the distinct pleasure of assisting people on their journeys. Teaching them the interactive-graphics techniques that have served me so well in my work with groups and individuals. The online model that enables me to live on a beautiful west coast island yet connects with like-minded people across the globe. And the inner work methods that help me to persevere and prosper despite my fears and vulnerabilities. These things are very attractive to certain people … other heroes navigating their own unique journey who want and need quality assistance.

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