I am having such a different-for-me year so far! As those of you who have been following my escapades know, I’ve had to vacate my usual work/live studio since September, due to construction right next door … which has entered the oh-so-lovely blasting stage.

Online coaching and training and loud construction noises do not go together!  It’s going to be another 12-18 months until it’ll be quiet enough to return.

Victoria, British Columbia currently has an abysmally low rental vacancy rate due to landlords doing Airbnb rather than providing usual rentals. Therefore, I was thankfully able to rent my place to a great young couple.

Finding an alternative place for myself and my sidekick JJ has been a little trickier. For the fall, I did a road trip travelling throughout Washington, Oregon and California … playing a fun game of ‘where’s Waldo’ with my online classes as my backdrop changed. Then I settled into a local housesit for 5 months, intending to move into a suite in a friend’s house afterwards.

However, that friend took advantage of Victoria’s in-demand real estate market and sold her home (she did well I’m happy to report). But no suite for me. However, another suite opened up to accommodate me … one in my parent’s home in the woods of Metchosin where I grew up. I’ll be moving in at the end of this month – oy vey.

West Coast Ringing Cedars

Fifty Shades of Green

It’s such a surreal experience to return home after all this time, a coming-full-circle. And also kind of perfect. With my increased energy sensitivities, due to my kundalini awakening, I’ve been craving earthy nature. And I have not one but two course manuals to write and a website to revamp, so quiet is also perfect.

Unfortunately not perfect … my Mom, Bernadette (who has always been the healthy one of my folks) has developed a health condition. It’s looking like she’s nicely stabilized, however I’m happy to be close for a while, just in case.

Having had belongings in storage for a while, I’m looking forward to my things around me again including my larger recording and painting supplies. And settling in from this familiar-but-new location to oversee this season’s remaining courses.

One of those upcoming courses is Visual Coach Certification. I’m currently wrapping up Exit Exams from the 2016 cohort.

Congrats Maki Svendsen from Norway, Lisa Dymond from British Columbia and Tracy Knutson from Saskatchwan so far!!!  More announcements coming as more of the 2016 Visual Coaches successfully complete their exams.

I’m also concurrently doing Application Interviews for the new upcoming 2017 cohort that starts on April 4th … apply now if it’s the year for you to add Visual Coaching to your process toolkit!

Given all the Visual Coaching stuff going on, I’ve opted to write this issue’s article on Visual Coaching, particularly the mix of having the coach create the visual record, the client create it … and my favorite, having both do it!

Yours in SHIFTing IT,

The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Process Skills Mentor

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