How are you doing during these changing times?! Hanging in there?!
No small miracle, with the continued intensity coming at us from so many angles.
My coaching practice is currently a ‘Tale of Two Cities’ to quote some good ol’ Dickens …
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
In times like these, a SHIFT-IT Visual Coaching Retreat offers a mature and safe community for deep thinking AND feeling. Whether you are in the best of times or the worst of times – or somewhere in between.
SHIFT-IT Retreats are useful for Newcomers (who have never been through this program before) and also for Repeaters (some folks return again and again when they are ready for a next round).
This intensive is three precious days for yourself (or someone you wish to gift it to). Fully online and recorded.
You gather with like-minded (and hearted) people across the globe, to literally draw out your own inner wisdom. About what to do and how to be during these uncertain times.
You don’t need to be an artist (or even artistic) to participate, as Working Visually isn’t just for artists. However, if you are arty, my Visual System provides a sturdy base upon which you layer your own style.
When we use these visual tools on ourselves, which is what we do in this Visual Coaching Retreat, it’s decidedly not an art competition.
Instead, it’s an opportunity to use a cognitive AND intuitive methodology (whether you work organic/paper or synthetic/digital) to tap into your inner depths – to seek counsel and receive loving support from your own Self. Who is decidedly the best Coach for you!
- Digital via Drawing Tablet
- Or, Analog via Paper Prints
I hold this deep container, as I do all my containers, with a pragmatic and respectful “non-dual” attitude.
Which means everything is welcome and respected, from the logical Left Brain to the emotional Right Brain. Also, all of the various sides, reactions and emotions of our polarizing times. Whether within our own internal parts, within the group itself, and within our world.
As meeting and being with what is, is always the very first step in shifting it!
Save 50%. Fully Online and Recorded.
SHIFT-IT is my proven signature coaching system. It’s the base for all of my advanced work, including Private Visual Satsangs and Visual Coach Certification.
Given we are all being hit by inflation, I’ve opted to continue with reduced pricing, as well as the Accessibility and Repeater options. Certified Visual Coaches are always welcome as my guests.
Looking forward to being in Conscious Community as we segue into this next season, which is sure to be another one for the history books!
Christina Merkley,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
P.S. For a full roster of 2023/24 courses and Home Study Kits click here.