I’ve Been Pleasantly Delighted With How Open Minded And Curious
Most Have Been And By The New People I’m Attracting.

Kendra Jonas
Author and 5D Channel

“After the publication of my channeled book The Link, I knew my next step was to build a more public business around my clairaudient abilities. However, I was crippled with fear of being more known for my spiritual gifts and leaving my web developer career which had provided well for my family.  After becoming ill and having a near death experience, I knew I had to make this shift. Change can be frightening, so my Guide, Melody, led me to Christina for her specialized help.

Even though I channel a very conscious being, my 3D personality self was worried about my transition.  Christina’s SHIFT-IT System and Business Essentials for Process Professionals allowed my Left Brain to more deeply understand and accept what my Right Brain was doing.  She helped me identify and heal trauma about ‘being different’ and ‘being seen’ that was standing in my way.

I’m online now, selling my book, private Melody consults and my orgonite jewelry. Yes, some people who know me through my prior career have been surprised by this turn of events.  However I’ve been pleasantly delighted with how open minded and curious most have been and by the new people I’m attracting. I enjoy seeing people benefit from the 5th Dimensional perspective.  Melody and another Guide have me busily channeling more information, so more is materializing.  Step by step.

Thank you Christina for your support and encouragement.  I’m excited by the changes that are taking place. You are a channel too … delivering messages and energy your way.”

Kendra Jonas
Author and 5D Channel
Woodburn, Oregon, U.S.A.

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