I’m about to have a bit of a holiday break, and I’m going to spend some of it doing my own personal reflections. Using my Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat tools (gift eBook here, and in the article below), if you want to do one too.
I’m also hoping to paint a painting for a wall that is calling for one, and finally plant my indoor garden contraption that I got last year.
I’ll be happy if I complete at least one of those tasks.
We’ll see. I may need to BE rather than DO over the holidays, as 2022 has been an intense year, and 2023 likely will be too.
I’m actually feeling quite sad right now as I sit down to write this note, as yesterday I woke up to the news that one of my mentors has died. Even though we never met, I honor her with that title because of the profound impact she’s made on me, and the lives of some of those I’ve introduced to her work.

Michelle Whitedove
Michelle Whitedove, psychic extraordinaire, is a familiar name to those who took our Cryptos courses, where all members had to be part of her Patreon Community.
She had such a fascinating take on cryptos, global issues and spirituality, which we studied up on each month.
Condolences to her family, her amazing team, and to the Whitedove community at large – a lot of shared grieving is going on.
I am no stranger to the subtle energy realms. I know nobody really dies in the bigger sense, and Michelle was keen on that message too. We all return back to spirit, which is our true home. Although of course, the loss of physicality is a grief that must be processed at its own pace too. Yes/and rather than either/or.

Anneke Lucas
Speaking of remarkable mentors and spirituality … I am also in the midst of expanding my relationship with Anneke Lucas, as we collaborate on a new course called Shifting the Power.
Anneke is a survivor of extreme childhood abuse, and her experiences, coupled with her heroic healing journey, have made her exquisitely wise about power and its material, psychological and spiritual dynamics.
“Power” is an extremely important topic for our times.
It’s an honor to work alongside Anneke, as we blend our specialties together … elements of my SHIFT-IT System with her Unconditional Model.
These are intense and very important topics. They aren’t for everyone. However, some are truly ready now to learn to skillfully meet the dark in ourselves, others and our world … in the process shifting the power, with love!
In closing, here’s to you and yours during this holiday time. See below for a spotlight on talented Rio Holaday, the Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat eBook, plus a glance at my upcoming calendar.
May you find time to ground, replenish and nurture yourself these next weeks, in order to compassionately and wisely meet all that arises in 2023.
FYI, I am hosting a holiday Public Visual Satsang on December 28, from 10am-noon Pacific Time, should like you like some help in being and doing that!
These are soul times for sure.
Happy Holidays!
Christina Merkley,
Visual Coaching and Satsangs