Tag: shift-it


A Note From Christina eZine header featuring a handmade close up of a ceramic bowl filled with sparkling christmas tree balls in blues, golds and silvers on a rich wood desktop

Happy Holidays to you and yours! I’m enjoying a few leisurely days here in a relatively mild Canadian winter – so far no snow. Just the way I like it, as dealing with power outages in the woods is no fun. Mom took a tumble a few weeks ago and broke her shoulder. Dad’s loss… Read more »


Beautiful fall colours on Saltspring Island. Bright yellows and oranges along a still lake with moody grey clouded sky. Rainforests of Vancouver Island

Late fall here on the misty coast of western Canada. My dentist is on Salt Spring Island. Takes 4 hours each way to get there … the highway, the parking lot, the ferry, then the road to his office … then the return. It’s a pain in the butt, as it eats up a whole… Read more »


Misty morning in the Pacific Northwest. Christina Merkley walks her chocolate lab who is stopped on a log overlooking a pond with the back drop of the evergreen forests and low lying mist.

The season is shifting here in the western rainforest of Canada. Sunny days are more frequently giving way to fall mists. I’ve been harvesting the last of the veggies from my garden, and laying in some flower bulbs for spring. Putting the container beds to sleep with a blanket of maple leafs, incrementally gathered from… Read more »


A note from Christina banner of puppy Presley running on the beach with the clouds and olympic mountains as a backdrop for the water and waves on a sunny day.

Thunder is rolling in as I type. An oddity for these parts. The sky is going gray and the wind is picking up. Rain is dumping. Summer of 2023 is being a smidge dramatic here in British Columbia as it closes out. August has flown by. I was intending on taking the month off. Which… Read more »


A note from christina banner against Christina Merkley's vibrant hot pink peonies.

My current Visual Coaching season is coming to a close. Several processing groups are wrapping up, as well as the 2023 cohort of Visual Coach Certification. Over July my website will be refreshed with the specifics for this Fall and 2024. A newly revised Fundamentals of Visual Coaching is coming. More Visual Satsangs. Another Shifting the… Read more »


A Note From Christina with sparkly christmas tree closeup highlighting a crystal deer and snowman

I’m about to have a bit of a holiday break, and I’m going to spend some of it doing my own personal reflections. Using my Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat tools (gift eBook here, and in the article below), if you want to do one too. I’m also hoping to paint a painting for a wall that… Read more »


A Note from Christina header image of massive brussel sprout plant in her garden

Time is flying. Literally. Isn’t it incredible how everything is accelerating of late?! Another month has flown by. Sooooooo much is happening. Personally, and for the world. What an incredible time that our souls have chosen to partake and participate in! And while fascinating, also terrifying and heartbreaking too. Each day I’m being taught anew… Read more »


A Note From Christina over two loves: a stack of books and her pup Presley

End of summer here in North America. I adore summer … I prefer to take all of August off. Since Covid began, I haven’t really been able to do that. So, it was a partial month off at least, which was still pretty good. We have a glorious woodsy backyard, with various hangouts, depending on… Read more »


A note from christina merkley banner with yin yang symbol against photo of forest floor and large dropped maple leaf

When I was 25, back when I was an admin assistant to a busy politician, I got the one and only tattoo I have … a yin/yang symbol. Funny enough, I placed it over my right kidney. When I donated that kidney a few years later, the surgeon chose to do a diagonal incision, to… Read more »


A note from Christina title shot against the dark red leaves in her garden with tall fir trees behind

Another month has flown by, therefore time for another eZine. I had Heather Stone, a wonderful photographer, come for a shoot. To update photos, given my office has gone through some changes. I left the art cooperative I was in, due to irreconcilable differences (no thank you to municipal politics) and am back in my… Read more »