Tag: inner work


Beautiful sunset over the straits from Saltspring Island in British Columbia

My monthly communique as to what’s happening with me and SHIFT-IT School … for October 2024. Here in the Pacific Northwest, it is a ping pong of balmy sun and misty rain. Very pleasant compared to the intensity that some of my clients and colleagues have weathered on the East Coast. Ongoing prayers to those… Read more »


Graduate Spotlight Banner shows Visual Coach Carla Yetter smiling at the camera in a lilac shirt against the backdrop of her visual map: Imagine Where We Could Go!

All sorts of folks find their way to Visual Coach Certification. Some of the bravest are those in conventional environments looking for a different, deeper, more creative way of working. When Carla travelled in person to one of my Magic Marker Masterminds, she’d already discovered the visual way of working and was courageously applying it… Read more »


Christina Merkley and Carrie banner for non-dual free individual session. Christina is smiling at the camera while Carrie raises her hand and thinks about her process. In front of visual maps from the Projecting down session.

Shadow Work – with Visuals! [Projecting Down] Annoying Group Leader – Carrie with Christina Merkley Video: Summary: [Projecting Down] Annoying Group Leader Initial Report: Carrie is consciously engaged in her inner work. She’s been attending some of my courses, doing a year-long mindfulness program on death, and also working with a therapist. She reports on… Read more »

SHIFT-IT SCHOOL – Upcoming Events

SHIFT-IT School courses banner shows Christina Merkley working with a group on a Zoom screen as she draws a visual map on the drawing tablet. Backdrop of her abstract art with turquoise, reds and creams.

Upcoming events for 2024/2025: DROP-IN SATSANGS | Online: Non-Dual Processing Now twice a month! Inner work in community. By donation. First and third Sundays of the month. Next Gatherings: #75: October 20, 2024, 2:00 – 4:00 pm, Pacific Time, convert to your zone #76: November 3, 2024, 10:00 am – Noon, Pacific Time, convert to your zone Details… Read more »


eZine banner for A Note From Christina: beautiful seashells displayed on weathered driftwook against the green of the forest as a backdrop.

Wherever you are in the world, with so much shifting, I hope you are coping well as 2024 comes down the funnel. Here in the Pacific Northwest of Canada, I’ve had a busy summer using visuals to help folks process their thoughts and feelings. Visual Skills Training: I returned to in-person trainings after a hiatus… Read more »


Christina Merkley and Lee smiling out at the camera against a backdrop of visual maps for this video cover of the recorded session Pathway Back to Self.

Non-Dual Self Inquiry – Lee with Christina Merkley Video: Summary: [Self Inquiry] Pathway Back to Self Immigrant ancestry, Chinese from Taiwan, migration, sacrifice, responsibility (both personal and professional), doing and tired. Bringing rest to the Mind yet still keeping practicality. Creating space for the grief in the heart and the knots in the gut to… Read more »


Below are upcoming programs for the 2024/2025 season: PRIVATE VISUAL SATSANG | Online: 16-Week Cohort A precious non-dual container for rapid personal growth. Gather with the same small processing group over 16 consecutive weeks. We use various techniques (Self Inquiry, Parts Work, Projection, Constellations, etc.) to identify and soften our personal and collective triggers during… Read more »


A Note From Christina eZine header featuring a handmade close up of a ceramic bowl filled with sparkling christmas tree balls in blues, golds and silvers on a rich wood desktop

Happy Holidays to you and yours! I’m enjoying a few leisurely days here in a relatively mild Canadian winter – so far no snow. Just the way I like it, as dealing with power outages in the woods is no fun. Mom took a tumble a few weeks ago and broke her shoulder. Dad’s loss… Read more »


free annual gift of visual coaching with christina merkley's specialized maps

Happy Holidays! It’s a tradition at this time of year to gift my eZine and blog readers a Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat. A handy reflection tool to doodle out the flow of your life. To see and integrate what’s been happening, and to clarify your ‘doings’ and ‘beings’ from here. I hope you find it fun… Read more »


Follow up from Public Visual Satsang #65.  See below for the video, timestamps, summary, visual maps and date of the next Public Visual Satsang – all welcome! Video: Timestamps: 00:00:00  Welcome and Meditation 00:30:40  [Self Inquiry] Freedom 01:02:10    [Self Inquiry] Energetic Anchoring 01:26:24    [Self Inquiry] It’s Time to Tap In 01:55:38    Closing… Read more »