Tag: SHIFT-IT System


Visual coach graduate Michelle Bastock smiling at the camera with a large brimmed hat on, over the water.

Michelle entered Visual Coach Certification with a solid background in team, executive and retirement coaching, as well as course development and workshop design. Contracting with global coaching companies, she coaches executives and leaders in improving effectiveness, time management, and communication, identifying underlying issues, patterns, and challenges, and supports them to develop actionable plans that drive… Read more »

HOLIDAY GIFT: Mini Visual Coaching Retreat

free annual gift of visual coaching with christina merkley's specialized maps

Happy Holidays! It’s tradition this time of year to gift my Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat. Like a virtual stocking stuffer … Visual Coaching Retreats can happen at any time. However, there are transitional times in our lives that deep reflection can be particularly useful. Like at the close of one year and the beginning of another, on… Read more »


These grad spotlights can be from across the world, however, this one is from my own home town, Victoria BC Canada! Dan and I have known each other for over a decade. First meeting as fellow trainers and facilitators using the same downtown meeting/training facility. He first took my Visual Skills Bundle to improve his… Read more »


Visual Coach Spotlight on Hermeka Ray. Hermeka smiles out at the camera. A woman of color with long hair and a geometric sweater in taupe and black agains a geometric wood grain background.

MY LEARNING JOURNEY TAUGHT ME TO SHIFT FROM THE PROVERBIAL “DOING” TO “BEING”. A POWERFUL CATALYST THAT HAS FOREVER SHAPED A PROMISING FUTURE FOR ME AND MY CLIENTS. The work of a coach is all about change and the ability to draw a clarified vision, values, and insights – painting a purposeful picture filled with… Read more »


Graduate Spotlight Banner shows Visual Coach Carla Yetter smiling at the camera in a lilac shirt against the backdrop of her visual map: Imagine Where We Could Go!

All sorts of folks find their way to Visual Coach Certification. Some of the bravest are those in conventional environments looking for a different, deeper, more creative way of working. When Carla travelled in person to one of my Magic Marker Masterminds, she’d already discovered the visual way of working and was courageously applying it… Read more »


free annual gift of visual coaching with christina merkley's specialized maps

Happy Holidays! It’s a tradition at this time of year to gift my eZine and blog readers a Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat. A handy reflection tool to doodle out the flow of your life. To see and integrate what’s been happening, and to clarify your ‘doings’ and ‘beings’ from here. I hope you find it fun… Read more »


free annual gift of visual coaching with christina merkley's specialized maps

Happy Holidays! It’s a tradition at this time of year to gift my eZine and blog readers a Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat. A handy reflection tool to doodle out the flow of your life. To see and integrate what’s been happening, and to clarify your ‘doings’ and ‘beings’ from here. I hope you find it fun… Read more »

Next Pop-Up Processing Session: Thursday 4pm Pacific

For my clients, colleagues and anyone who wishes to participate. I’m offering free online Pop-Up Processing sessions to assist with Gremlin Wrangling (mental and emotional processing). I’m hosting another free online Processing Pop Up to assist with mental and emotional processing. Thursday, March 19 at 4pm pacific These Pop Ups are open to anyone who’d… Read more »

SHIFT-IT eCommunity March 8th – Drop-In Webinar

I hosted the March Drop-in Webinar for The SHIFT-IT eCommunity on Sunday, March 8th. This is a monthly support group for grads of our visual coaching programs: The SHIFT-IT System, Practical Energy Work, and Visual Coach Certification. Other interested people are also welcome. Emergent Agenda from Members each month. Fully Recorded. Membership includes access to all past… Read more »