Tag: dark


[Non-Dual Self Inquiry] Raising Upper Limits – Lisa Sits with Christina Merkley Video: Visual Maps: Keep it Simple Raising My Upper Limit – Summary: Lisa’s note when she booked her sit said “I have been nominated for a life-changing prize and need your perspective to help showcase my good work”. When we began, her Mind… Read more »


Christina Merkley with free visual coaching session with Hannah YouTube Cover has both of them smiling at the camera against a backdrop of Hannah's visual map: The Dial is in Your Hands

Recorded Individual Session [Non-Dual Inquiry] The Dial is in Your Hands – Hannah with Christina Merkley Summary: Exploratory Chat (first 42 minutes): Hannah is a budding visual practitioner. Admiring the unique range of my career, she asks various questions, to which I give answers. Non-Dual Self Inquiry: (jump to Self Inquiry) I draw out Hannah’s own… Read more »


Christina Merkley and Carrie banner for non-dual free individual session. Christina is smiling at the camera while Carrie raises her hand and thinks about her process. In front of visual maps from the Projecting down session.

Shadow Work – with Visuals! [Projecting Down] Annoying Group Leader – Carrie with Christina Merkley Video: Summary: [Projecting Down] Annoying Group Leader Initial Report: Carrie is consciously engaged in her inner work. She’s been attending some of my courses, doing a year-long mindfulness program on death, and also working with a therapist. She reports on… Read more »


Christina Merkley and Lee smiling out at the camera against a backdrop of visual maps for this video cover of the recorded session Pathway Back to Self.

Non-Dual Self Inquiry – Lee with Christina Merkley Video: Summary: [Self Inquiry] Pathway Back to Self Immigrant ancestry, Chinese from Taiwan, migration, sacrifice, responsibility (both personal and professional), doing and tired. Bringing rest to the Mind yet still keeping practicality. Creating space for the grief in the heart and the knots in the gut to… Read more »

Shifting the Power – We Start in a Few Days

Shifting the Power banner with Christina Merkley and Anneke Lucas

I’m back with Anneke Lucas for a summertime offering of our online course, Shifting the Power. As per usual, we are attracting attendees from across the globe, particularly Europe given Anneke’s tragic childhood in that continent. Our themes of power, and courageously facing and integrating authoritarian and narcissistic abuse, are timely. Doing our deep inner… Read more »


Dropping Into Hearts - group picture of the 5 women who participated in Public Visual Satsang #63 against a backdrop of their colourful visual maps from self inquiries.

Follow up from Public Visual Satsang #63. Unfortunately due to complications from a power outage, there will be no recording for Public Visual Satsang #64 – although it was a beautiful gathering and I thank those who came and processed!  See below for the video, timestamps, summary, visual maps and date of the next Public… Read more »

Checking In and New Programs Coming

Hello. I hope all is well on your end, and that you are dealing okay with the intensity that surrounds us. We certainly do not live in boring times do we?! I’ve been in a very dense phase of development and growth, again. Thank you for your patience and continued support of my evolution. I… Read more »

Deep Inner Work Via Shifting the Power

Shifting the Power banner with Christina Merkley and Anneke Lucas

We’re delighted to report that the launch of our new course, Shifting the Power, is going very well! We begin on Thursday, February 16 and have 40+ registered so far. Click for Full Details and Registration My co-host Anneke Lucas is originally from Belgium. She and her story are known in Europe. As such we… Read more »

Shifting the Power with Anneke Lucas

Shifting the Power banner with Christina Merkley and Anneke Lucas

I’ve been coaching for a long time, almost half my life. When I first started, I was doing a lot of corporate Strategic Planning, so my coaching was pretty Left Brained (logical, rational and linear). However, as I experimented with visuals, took tons of varied training, and worked with more and more people … I… Read more »


A Note from Christina header image of massive brussel sprout plant in her garden

Time is flying. Literally. Isn’t it incredible how everything is accelerating of late?! Another month has flown by. Sooooooo much is happening. Personally, and for the world. What an incredible time that our souls have chosen to partake and participate in! And while fascinating, also terrifying and heartbreaking too. Each day I’m being taught anew… Read more »