A Note from Christina

Wow, that summer flew by, I can’t believe Labour Day is right around the corner here in Canada.  I certainly have been labouring, so hopefully I’ll have that day off at least!

online-coursesNew Course Coming Along:
The new Practical Energy Work course prep is going great … although I’m a little delayed in having the info page launched (it’s coming, hopefully by mid-Sept).  Have really enjoyed doing the interviews with the guest experts on their various topics (trauma, subtle energy systems, kundalini, psionic protection, tapping modalities, the sub-conscious mind, etc.).

It’s gearing up to be a great new addition to the SHIFT-IT School course line-up.  Good right brain wisdom to add to our left brain offerings, giving you an effective whole brain approach to your process work.

Phenomenal Growth in the Visual Field:
On the visual skills side of my work … there continues to be great growth in the ‘working visually’ field. I”m seeing expansion in the field on all fronts.  Here is North America the visual way of working is expanding into smaller towns and communities (not just the larger cities). And internationally its making great strides too, breaking through the English barrier into multiple other languages and cultures.  

visual-field-growthThe growth in this field is awesome and has been a fascinating phenomenon to witness and participate in these last two decades. I have happily played a role in this growth, given the many 100’s I’ve trained and mentored throughout the world. However I am having to continue to evolve to remain known and seen in this larger marketplace given new trainers are popping up everywhere (some decent and some decidedly not).

Back in the day when you entered ‘graphic facilitation’, ‘graphic recording’ and certainly ‘graphic coaching’ I was one of the few sources that would come up in a web search anywhere, right smack at the top of the first page.  Fortunately and unfortunately this is no longer the case! I’m bringing on needed marketing help and considering doing a cross-country tour with my visual skills workshop. We’ll see how that shakes out. The only thing constant in life is change eh!

Please Help Us Get the Word Out:
One thing I can do is call on you, our wonderful community!  Some of you have been with my unique little school and practice for years now even decades (I started with just 12 people on my list!).  And others of you have recently discovered SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc.  A small business like mine can use all the help it can get to get our services in front of the people who can benefit from them.  If you have taken my visual skills workshop The Fundamentals of Working Visually (or any of our other courses), I hope you will keep it and me in mind when colleagues and friends are looking for qualified, proven instruction in these fun and productive skills.

The fall online version of this practical and fun course starts October 5th and it’s on Early Bird registration still until Monday!  Or, there’s a Home Study Kit available instantly at any time.

Our Affiliate Program:
affiliate-marketingTo thank you for your referrals, we have an Affiliate Program for your web and social media sharing about our classes (so we can reward you with a 15% commission).

I’ve always found the best marketing is to do good work and rely on the power of word of mouth (people telling other people), so thank you very much to our current affiliates, I sure appreciate your support.

And for others who’d like to now join us in getting the word out, thank you for your new partnership!

Visual Coach Cohort Is Hard At Work:
Another thing that is front and center right now is the 2015 cohort for Visual Coach Certification. They’ve been hard at work testing out their new Visual Coaching skills and accumulating their client hours in prep for their final exam later this year. Today’s eZine article is about them and the great work they are doing to help their clients shift. Please join me in encouraging them to keep up the good work!

Test Client Opportunity:
FYI, we are always on the lookout for Test Clients … people willing to act as clients for our Visual Coaches during their final exam. Half of their exam is experiential, as they coach a client through a SHIFT-IT map of my choice.

If you’d like to graciously offer your services as a test client please email my assistant Patricia at admin@shift-it-coach.com and she’ll add you to our list.

Yours in expansion and unfoldment,

Christina Merkley

The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Process Skills Mentor

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