Tag: Coaching

Advanced Visual Skills: Two Upcoming Opportunities to Expand Your Reach

Working Visually is a productive and client-pleasing way to expand the reach of your process skills with groups and individuals. Here at SHIFT-IT School we have two upcoming advanced training opportunities for those who have completed our Fundamentals level (or have equivalent experience). BECOME A CERTIFIED VISUAL COACH ® The first opportunity is Visual Coach… Read more »


CANADIAN SPEECH PATHOLOGIST ADDS VISUAL COACHING TO HER TOOLKIT TO ASSIST CHILDREN, ADOLESCENTS AND FAMILIES. “Before Visual Coach Certification, I was drawing and printing on table-tops covered with big sheets of newsprint. I would sit with my clients and record elements essential to our session (e.g., goals, strategies, characters from their ‘story’ that day). With… Read more »

In Your Words: Organizational Development Consultant Melinda Collins Gives Thumbs Up On Our Graphic Facilitation Training

A NEW WORLD OF TOOLS TO USE IN PRESENTING INFORMATION AND FACILITATING PROCESSES HAS OPENED UP. “Fundamentals of Working Visually delivers both the basics of working visually as well as the larger context of expanding these skills into more complex process work. Christina guided us through well paced material that she presented in an incremental… Read more »

SHIFT-IT Online Begins Today, Last Minute Joiners Welcome …


SHIFT-IT Online kicks off in just a few hours.  Every time I send out a last minute notice someone gets it and joins at the 11th hour (perfectly on time). Maybe it’s you this round?!  If so, come … we are ready for ya! Through this online 7-week Visual Coaching Cohort you Become Your Next… Read more »

SHIFT-IT-ONLINE Use Visuals Tools to Clarify Life’s Next Chapter

There are special times in life when it’s helpful to step back and LOOK at where you are … and CLARIFY where you next want to be.  Transitional times when an old self is making way for a new self: Career and job changes; Significant birthdays (especially the ones that end in 0); Relationship shifts… Read more »

[Visual Coach Certification 2016] LAST CALL: Join Us … Your Future Self Will Thank You

Hopefully you’ve seen the flurry of communications these last weeks regarding the upcoming 2016 Visual Coach Certification cohort. FYI, this is the LAST CALL TO JOIN US … whether you already have the two pre-requisites or are procuring them via the Combo Package (you can do them via concurrent home study). DEADLINE TO APPLY: TODAY… Read more »

[Visual Coach Certification] Join Us: Cohort Launches April 5th …

For ahead-of-the-curve Coaches, Counselors, Therapists, Financial Advisors, Disability Specialists and other Process Professionals from around the globe. DEADLINE TO APPLY: THIS FRIDAY, MARCH 25TH Online Training Webinars: April 5 – June 14, 2016 2 Pre-requisites / Combo Package Available More Info and Application Process: Click Here Working Visually is accelerating in global mainstream acceptance each… Read more »

Visual Coaching: Add Innovation, Efficiency and Fun To Your Helping Role

• Are You A Process Professional Who Works With Individuals? • Want To Learn Leading Edge Visual Methods For Your Practice? • Ready For More Color, Fun and Fulfillment In Work and Life? Visual Coaching, out of all the innovative things I get to do in my work, is my passion. It’s been a remarkable… Read more »

[Info Webinar This Weekend] Intro to Visual Coaching

INFO WEBINAR INTRO TO VISUAL COACHING Saturday, March 12 1 – 2:30 pm Pacific (1pm Mnt, 2 pm Cntrl, 3pm Estrn) CLICK HERE TO JOIN US THIS SATURDAY * 25 Spots Only * Can’t make this time live? No problem, register anyway to receive video recording to watch after. • Are You A Process Professional… Read more »


Audio Version: Click Player to Stream or Right Click on Link to Download. For full Audio Library of Past Messages, Click Here Using visuals and other powerful techniques in process work with individuals, partners and couples is one of the greatest joys of my life. If we each come into life with a purpose, then… Read more »