Every few weeks I offer a drop-in processing group to assist with these intense times. Here is the latest one, including summary notes, video, and visual map.


As per our custom, we start with 10 minutes of meditation and then hear reports and areas of focus.

Laurie is a mother, healer, and legal student in British Columbia Canada who has just completed a challenging first year of law school.

Of indigenous heritage, she is angry at the western, colonial system of legal education and practice and with the challenges of being a mother of a son with shared custody.

Session Map:


Click Image to Enlarge

Through Self Inquiry Laurie meets and welcomes her anger and her desire to push it all away.

And instead, she greets it, says hello, and ‘you are welcome here’. In doing so a shift of relief and calm eventually emerges.

Next is a layer of recognizing herself as an Empath with healing gifts and the need to create energetics boundaries with her 120 classmates… “I can be part of everything without feeling everything”.

We invite her boundaries to liberate which they do ‘to infinity’ … as her mission is BIG so her perspective needs to be big too.

Next comes concern about having to return to in-person attendance and the childcare logistics of her son, particularly the necessity of communicating with his father, which can be hard.

A headache comes from holding ‘loads and loads’ of information.

We invite her Mind to rest, release and liberate from the cramped confines of her cranium.

She literally ‘frees her mind’ to the accompaniment of a music lyric … “free your mind and the rest will follow”.

Next up are her shoulders and hip. Both seeking liberation too … rest, rest. Ease. Grace. Softness. Yes, please.

Out of a block in the hip comes fear connected to her 8-year-old Inner Child … it’s not safe. An Orphan Rescue, hush hush, come here, it’s safe.

And the Mind recognizes the number 8 — an overlay with her son’s current age. He too has to deal with divorced parents just like she did back in the day.

The Mind also connects 15 and 40. The age of her mother versus herself regarding motherhood. Compassion and love sent to her 15-year-old mother.

Compassion extends to not only her mother but to her mother’s 4 sisters too. Who all became mothers at young ages … a pattern.

5 Grannies and a Great Grandmother appear to send their love and support. She’s a Haida Princess whose name means “voice that is heard”. And kisses on a soft cheek. Yes!

CONNECTION TO MY CULTURE is what arises next.

Two grandfathers appear. White grandfathers.

“I am of mixed heritage even though I usually only focus on the indigenous ones”.

Scotland and New Zealand. A Great Aunt. Spiral. RNA. DNA. Cellular level. Yes, please.

Another great grandmother wants to make herself known. French. Haisla.

All of her mixed relations see and support Laurie’s Mission of going to western colonial law school in order to balance it with indigenous, holistic law and with her healing gifts.

Hands on her back. We have your back.

Eyes and hearts aware of and approving of her modern path. You are not alone. We are with you. Ask for our help. We are here to help.

Matriarchal lines. Patriarchal lines. Many geographies and races.

You are not alone. We are with you. We approve. We help. We love. Together through and in you. Yes, please!

Thank you Laurie for your beautiful Inquiry … an honour to map your inner wisdom out. All my mixed relations …

Thursday, April 8, 2021. 2-4pm pacific
convert to your zone

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Yours in visual unfoldment,

Christina Merkley
The SHIFT-IT Coach

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