Category: Events


BEST TRAINING & COACHING DEALS OF THE YEAR: For Leaders, Managers, Consultants, Facilitators, Trainers, Coaches, Therapists, Educators, Scribes … and others who want to give and/or receive effective, strategic thinking and feeling. Save up to 40% on selected 2018 Courses, Private Coaching and Private Training. Plus, low Canadian currency translates into additional savings. New Year’s Event on now until Tuesday.

SHIFT-IT SCHOOL: Classes, Products and Mentoring

Shift it

On Upcoming Courses, Private Training & Coaching NEW YEARS EVENT 5 Days: January 5-9 In order to help you get organized for your training and development needs in 2017 I’m giving you an advanced heads up that we will be running a New Years event January 5 – 9, 2018. Upcoming courses (all the ones listed… Read more »

SHIFT-IT-Visual Coaching System: Makes a Good Gift for You and Yours


I usually send a little reminder out this time of year, about The SHIFT-IT Visual Coaching System®. As some folks like to gift it to colleagues, friends,and family … or nab it as a gift for yourself. For 15 years, as a pioneering Visual Coach, and now with the able camaraderie of our tribe of… Read more »


Shift it

For First Timers and Repeaters SHIFT-IT ONLINE® Supportive International Coaching Group Using Visual Tools Get clarity and change in your work and life. Left-Brain strategic planning coupled with Right-Brain energy alignment — all in my innovative ‘Visual Coaching’ style. Great for shifting dissatisfaction in work, abundance, relationship, body, geography and other stuck areas. Two Options:… Read more »

[SHIFT-IT eCommunity] New Perk Starts This Sunday, Join Us

You may have seen in my SHIFT-IT eZine that I’ve added a new perk for my coaching clients … anyone who has some experience with either my SHIFT-IT and/or Practical Energy Work material. This new perk is an infrastructure called The SHIFT-IT eCommunity which brings my coaching clients together for ongoing support and community. Folks… Read more »

[SHIFT-IT Summer Sale] Don’t Miss Out, Ending Soon

DON’T MISS OUT! Upcoming Course | Home Study Kits | Private Coaching | Private Training Visual Skills.  Build Your Biz.  Shift Your Life. With Skilled Info & Support Get Where You Are Going: Faster, Smoother and with More Enjoyment! Working with groups and individuals isn’t always easy … in fact it can be downright hard at… Read more »

[Summer Sale Until Tuesday] Best Deals on Courses, Kits and Mentoring

NOW UNTIL TUESDAY! Upcoming Courses | Home Study Kits | Private Coaching | Private Training Visual Skills.  Build Your Biz.  Shift Your Life. My team and I spent July refreshing the website with the 2017/2018 curriculum for SHIFT-IT School. And now we are running our Annual Summer Sale (until Tuesday) to help you get a… Read more »


For Visual Skills Grads The WORKING VISUALLY eCOMMUNITY The Working Visually eCommunity supports you to further hone your outer work in Visual Skills and Business Building.  As becoming a decent Visual Practitioner is all about practice, practice, practice and mileage, mileage, mileage.  And getting suave about marketing, sales and the business side. This eCommunity is… Read more »

Magic Marker Retreat: 2 Days of In-person Masterminding

Most of my client and teaching work is online nowadays … I love the flexibility this brings for both clients and myself. It’s practical, convenient and works surprisingly well for those who can stick with that kind of structure. However, once a year I host two special Visual Skills courses that are IN-PERSON in my… Read more »