Tag: Christina Merkley

Orphan Rescue and Resolve Developmental Delays

As a coach (with a pioneering visual approach) I’m a huge proponent of literally mapping out your vision (your desired destination) as well as your game plan (actions to reach that destination). However, I’m an even bigger proponent of clarifying and doing your INNER WORK … getting to the heart of what is causing interference… Read more »

Apply By Friday, January 7, 2011: Become a Certified Graphic Coach

Certified Visual Coach

The beginning of the New Year is a wonderful time to reflect, vision, plan, sketch and make commitments to Become Our Next Selves. For some of us … that involves weaving our latent or blatant creativity more fully into our work as helping professionals. As a pioneer in Graphic Coaching, creativity is just the air… Read more »

Graphic Coaching: The Benefits of Working Visually with Individuals, Biz Partners & Couples

Listen to this article Christina Merkley Being Interviewed on American Television About Graphic Coaching I had a very exciting past week – just got back from San Diego where I taped an American television show called “Meet the Experts”. The host, Arielle Ford, is a well known Law of Attraction author and publicist to well… Read more »

ASK Christina — have you found audiences that resisted graphic methods as childish

Hi Christina I’ve been interested in graphic recording and facilitating since attending a meeting in San Francisco years ago where Grove Consultants recorded. Your recent free info webinar “Fundamentals of Interactive-Graphics” was very helpful.  I’m looking at how to put together the time to move forward on learning to use graphic techniques in my consulting and training… Read more »

Ask Xina: Help, Do I Follow Eckhart Tolle’s Advice or Abraham-Hick’s?

Question: I wonder if you could please share with me your opinion on a question that I have about TLOA. Esther is all about telling an empowering story and Ekhart is all about no story. She says re-frame it in a positive light and thus shift your vibration and point of attraction. Ekhart says bask… Read more »

Interactive-Graphics: Frequently Asked Questions

Christina Merkley here … with less than two weeks until my Graphic Coaching Clinic in Victoria, British Columbia. You may be one of the attendees who are already coming … who will shortly be loaded up with markers, pastels and all the tools of the trade. Or, perhaps you are one of the four people… Read more »

Ask Xina: How Come Esther Hicks Isn’t Perfect?!

Here is an interesting Ask Christina Question that came in via my website from e-zine reader Oscar. Hi Christina.  I was wondering if it would be alright to ask for your opinion on something close to my heart. I am a huge fan of the Hicks and yet… I have a question;  If Esther Hicks… Read more »

Soothing Saturdays

SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc. Presents …   SOOTHING SATURDAYS Every few months, I host a free tele-seminar…. something that fits in with my general theme of “SHIFTing IT”. Some calls are with invited guests whose specialties help us SHIFT our reality in some way. Other calls are just with me, where I do spontaneous SHIFT-IT Coaching… Read more »

What “In the Vortex” Means

Listen to this post: Audio Version: Click Player to Stream or Right-Click Here to Download. Don’t know what ‘in the vortex’ means? … well, you aren’t alone. From the number of Twitter and Facebook questions I receive and from search phrases in my web stats, many people are a little confused about what this new… Read more »

Soothing Saturday Series: Guest Brad Yates, EFT Specialist

NEXT FREE SOOTHING SATURDAY CALL: SATURDAY, MAY 9TH 10-11:30am Pacific (11 Mnt, Noon Central, 1pm Eastern) … with special guest: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Specialist, BRAD YATES EFT is a meridian-based energy therapy for removing the negative emotions that limit our success. Using this technique, you can gain the emotional freedom to truly pursue being,… Read more »