Missing Link Meeting Support

Hi all! This just in from graphic colleagues, Alphachimp Studios in Pittsburg – they now have their Missing Link meeting support technology available.  A good resource for visual practitioners who need online post meeting documentation access for their clients.  Doesn’t really fit for me with the graphic coaching work I have primarily moved into doing… Read more »

Leah Silverman’s IFVP Conference Summary

The great thing about the IFVP Conference is that there are tons of talented colleagues – who share the work of communicating what happened at the event. Fellow Visual Practitioner, Leah Silverman, has put together a nice visual overview of some of the sessions she attended (unfortunately she doesn’t have much from my session, but… Read more »

Post IFVP Road Trip

Balance Rock Originally uploaded by graphiccoach Been taking a few days after the wonderful Int’l Forum of Visual Practitioners Conference to drive back up to Victoria.  Have a few clients and contacts to see along the way … not the least of which is stopping off in Boise to pick up a new horde of… Read more »

IFVP’s New Mexico Conference

45. wall review Originally uploaded by graphiccoach Had a blast at the International Forum of Visual Practitioners Conference held this past weekend in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I’ve blogged about this event repeatedly prior to it being held, so won’t go into the overall details again (especially as its almost 3am!).  The event wrapped up… Read more »

Leaving for Santa Fe, NM

My trip to Santa Fe to present at the International Forum of Visual Practitioners is right around the corner.  I’m very excited to have been asked to come and speak to my colleagues from around the world who will be gathering for this cool event.  And I’m also very much looking forward to seeing Santa… Read more »

Pointers from My Own SHIFT-IT Journey

This week I celebrate and relinquish an old identity and step fully into a new one – and boy does it feel good! After 12+ years as a strategic planning facilitator, change management consultant and graphic mapmaker – I am ‘folding up my flipchart stand’ so to speak, in order to focus exclusively on my… Read more »

My Furthest Visitor to Date

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of welcoming Yuko Matsumoto from Japan to my studio here in Victoria, British Columbia.  One of the benefits of having unique skills and being a teacher in such a rare field as graphic recording and graphic faciliation – is that I get to meet interesting people from all over… Read more »

Missing Your SHIFT-IT e-Zine?

Have you been missing your SHIFT-IT e-Zine?  New edition just went out today …. all about pointers from my own SHIFT-IT journey.  If you are on my ezine list and didn’t receive it – chances are you missed the notifications about my e-mail delivery change.   No problem – just go to sign up box on… Read more »

Be the Scriptwriter of Your Life

“Be a creator, rather than a regurgitator of what is”. How’s that for an opening line – out of the mouth of Abraham, my favorite Law of Attraction source. Couldn’t think of a better way to grab your attention – to the importance of getting your focus off of your present situation and onto what… Read more »