Recommendation: Holosync Meditation Technology

Something I want to bring to your attention that is very compatible with my SHIFT-IT graphic coaching work: a product called Holosync® Meditation Technology from Centerpointe Research Institute. Shifting your life is about coming to SEE what you are doing and making changes based off of that information. As a Graphic Coach, I spend my… Read more »

Speaking at IFVP Conference

Alerting you to the annual International Forum of Visual Practitioners Conference – October 18-21, 2007 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This gathering attracts the scattered members of our ‘Visual Practitioners’ tribe: various folks from around the globe who work in visual ways: graphic recorders, graphic facilitators, different types of scribes, performers, artists and the like.… Read more »

How to Deal with the ‘Bad’ Stuff

Urrrggghhhh, doesn’t it suck when you get in those situations where something or somebody really gets to you. Maybe it’s an unpleasant work situation with an employer, client or colleague, or a personal one with a friend or family member. Or some sort of agency, organization or outfit you have to deal with that isn’t… Read more »

June SHIFT-IT Weekend Workshop

It happens once a year – the in-person SHIFT-IT Weekend Workshop.  A chance to come together, face-to-face, with other folks interested in SHIFTing life for the better.  This year’s date is just around the corner: two and a half days on June 22-24, 2007 here in gorgeous Victoria, BC, Canada. I personally facilitate this group using… Read more »

Five Year Vision for Secondary School

Mea culpa for not writing much in the blog lately – I have been tres busy as its facilitation season.  Been traveling and bopping about helping different groups with their visioning and planning needs (as well as being a coach, I’m also a facilitator and change consultant to groups and organizations).  Last week I was… Read more »

May’s Meeting Graphics 101 Workshop

Besides my coaching and facilitation practices, about a third of my work these days is in training other professionals (trainers, consultants, facilitators, coaches, project managers, mediators, etc) on the basic graphic skills that can be used with groups and individuals.  You see, this graphic way of working is rare, and even more rare is finding someone… Read more »

Periodic Table of Visual Methods

This in from the Visual Literacy Program – a European online program sponsored by four universities … to help engineering, software, science students, etc. better understand and use the various visual methods available to help express and communicate their ideas and creations.  They have created a “Periodic Table of Visualization Methods” that pulls together all… Read more »

Spring in Victoria, BC

As many of you know, I am currently based in lovely Victoria, British Columbia,Canada.  After almost a decade in San Francisco, I returned to Victoria (my home town) about five years ago.              Spring is spectacular here on the west coast.  I have two large cherry trees outside of my… Read more »

Be Brave With Your Innovations

Last week I hosted one of my Graphic Bootcamps: an advanced skills training workshop for people who want to learn more about the graphic way of working with groups and individuals. I noticed a really interesting trait in my attendees: a lot of them are just itchin’ to make their work more fulfilling and interesting… Read more »

The Secret Behind The Secret

If you’ve been an ezine reader of mine for a while (or one of my coaching clients), you’ll know that I’m a big fan of Law of Attraction (LOA) principles.  I use them constantly in my facilitation and coaching work and in my own personal life (with graphics of course!).  There has been a lot of… Read more »