Homage to Michael Doyle

The facilitation community, and particularly the graphic facilitation community, is feeling the loss of one of our great leaders, mentors and icons … Micheal Doyle.  Mr. Doyle died January 29th in San Francisco.  Michael was foundational in putting facilitation on the map, in terms of a separate and valued professional role.  And was instrumental in… Read more »

Law of Attraction on Oprah

Law of Attraction is really hitting the airwaves.  This week several great LOA teachers were a panel on the Oprah show: Jack Canfield, James Ray, Lisa Nichols, Michael Beckwith, and the creator of The Secret (DVD and book), Rhonda Byrne.  I myself don’t have cable any longer.  So was hoping for some sort of link or connection… Read more »

Back from A-H Well Being Cruise

Ahhhhhhh. That is the sound of a contented woman back from two weeks at sea, cruising through the Hawaiian Islands. I attended one of Abraham-Hick’s cruises – where the cruise is combined with over 18 hours of Abraham/Law of Attraction seminars. Esther Hicks (pictured here) and her husband Jerry are the team who produce the… Read more »

Musicovery – SHIFT-IT via good tunes!

This just in from Erik Hanson, ezine reader, Meeting Graphics 101 attendee and all round good guy from the Random Kindness Crew: “This is one of the coolest sites I’ve seen in a long time….http://musicovery.com/index.php?ct=us  Enjoy. Have an awesome day.”  –  Erik Hanson.   What is it?  A music site where you can select the mood and… Read more »

Graphics Bootcamp: Advance Skills Public Workshop

At long last the Graphics Bootcamp is here! Advance training in the rare skills of Graphic Recording and Graphic Facilitation. One of the few places in the world (I’m not kidding!), where one can get personalized, mastermind-group type attention to build competency and confidence in these unique and effective group methods. I was lucky enough… Read more »

The SHIFT-IT Webstore Is Now Live!

Well, after months (actually years if you count all the development time) my new SHIFT-IT self coach products are up and available on my new online store.  I am so pleased and happy to announce the launch of these graphic coaching tools – including The SHIFT IT Home Retreat Kit.  I realize that not every… Read more »

The Power of Forgiveness

Happy New Year!  Ahhhh.  New years.  My favorite special day of the year.  Frankly I am not a big fan of the Xmas season.  However I just love New Years.  Putting away the past and moving towards the future.  This time of year is just full of possibilities and promise.  And frankly I think that… Read more »

Resource: Hay House Radio Broadcasts

Looking for some SHIFT-IT related listening? Might I suggest a number of the contributors to Hay House Radio. Hay House Radio is Louise Hay’s online radio station, featuring authors that she also publishes. A great way to get useful, free content via the live feeds and handy archives. Esther Hicks and Abraham: my favorite Law… Read more »

Room with a View

Thankfully I don’t travel quite as much as I used to (as my practice is shifting more to phone work or people flying to Victoria to work with me in my studio). Throughout my career I have had some real highs and some real lows in terms of destinations and accommocations. Early on, when I… Read more »

Visual Bios

Alrighty then.  Since starting this blog I have been wondering how to get larger visuals on it (I am the GRAPHIC coach after all … so it has been driving me nuts to be mostly limited to words on this medium). I just figured out that I can post photos on a Flickr account, and… Read more »