Follow up from Public Visual Satsang #61. Meeting the challenges and the blessings of these shifting times.

See below for the video, timestamps, summary, visual maps, and date of the next Public Visual Satsang – all welcome!



00:00:00 Welcome and Meditation
00:07:50 Reports & What’s Arising
00:26:36 [Self Inquiry] Flight Control
00:53:40 [Self Inquiry] Blessed Journey
01:11:45 [Self Inquiry] I Am Loving Love
01:37:00 Closing


Self Inquiry: Flight Control
Eric has made some big shifts, including marriage and joining a corporate visual practice … resulting in a long-distance situation for the newlyweds. Understandable pressures at times. Watch as we meet what is and move awareness from the Mind/Doer down into the Heart and Belly. Ahhhhh grounding and Presence. Something we all can use a little more of nowadays. The secret sauce.

Self Inquiry: Blessed Journey
Melinda is a Certified Visual Coach, having participated in my Certification a few years back. She works the poles of earth and spirit very gracefully. Town governance meets spiritual direction.  Lucky her, she regularly accesses blissful states in her meditation. However the practicalities of attracting a few more clients who are ready to ‘do the work’, perplexes. We take the energetic route as a first approach. Was it spiritual bypassing or did it do the trick? May need to more directly address the resistance, but we did a first layer at least for now.

Self Inquiry: I Am Loving Love
Bree too is no stranger to meditation and the non-dual terrain. Also has 15 years of experience with long-distance relationship – a theme interestingly running throughout this whole Satsang. As can often happen with us spiritual types, she’s a little hard on her human side. So she keeps bringing the ‘loving love’ to her humanity too. Of course, we need resources, sweet nourishing and a well-organized psyche too. We are human as well as spiritual. Yes to fluidity and love between all the Parts!

Visual Maps:

Eric’s Self Inquiry – Flight Control

61A Public Visual Satsang, Eric's Self Inquiry, Flight Control, July 7, 2024

Click Map to Enlarge


Melinda’s Self Inquiry – Blessed Journey

61B Public Visual Satsang, Melinda's Self Inquiry, Blessed Journey, July 7, 2023

Click Map to Enlarge


Bree’s Self Inquiry – I Am Loving Love

Public Visual Satsang #61C: Bree's Self Inquiry – I Am Loving Love

Click Map to Enlarge


September 21, 10am-Noon Pacific Time
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