Here are four beautiful Self Inquiries from the Public Visual Satsang #58 hosted on Good Friday (apologies for the delay in being able to get this published).

See below for video, timestamps, summary, visual maps and date of the next Satsang – all welcome!


0:00:00  Welcome and Meditation
0:22:36  [Self Inquiry] Core Energy
0:45:20  [Self Inquiry] In the Playground
1:07:50  [Self Inquiry] NOW!
1:33:05  [Self Inquiry] Shifting Energy
1:49:20  Next Date and Close


Self Inquiry: Core Energy
This was Susan’s first visit to Satsang, and she bravely dove in. Inner trembling was met first. Her mourning of deaths, her letting go of various inessentials, and the destruction of containers she can no longer co-exist with. Plus the high interest paid on past trauma. Next was the longing for something else … the work of her Primary Life Task. A bow to the useful Left Brain, however this purpose of voice and storytelling lies not there but in the Essential Primal Energy of the Heart. The sun that the rest orbits around!

Self Inquiry: In the Playground
Dolly naturally heart connects when she speaks and sings. However, her writing feels way too proper. She discovers an Inner Part who is old fashioned, straight, in line and in form … and wants her to BEHAVE. Very different from her usual Rebel. She extends a hand to this sub-personality and it very emotionally becomes ACCEPTANCE. A beautiful Orphan Rescue unfolds of her younger self who escaped school, so she wasn’t dangerously seen. Finally, she’s placed safely in the playground!

Self Inquiry: NOW!
Renee has been born for these times. An incredible woman of faith, she has summoned a rapid release of abundance … which she’s feeling a tad overwhelmed by (a ceiling issue). Watch as we meet her conundrum and invite her to meet and process through the various levels of her resistance. To feel the acceptance of ‘yesnow‘, after decades in the making. Also sending that largess, perspective and support down the times to her earlier selves. Perfectly perfect in their imperfection. Beautiful!  

Self Inquiry: Shifting Energy (no notes)
Peggy so resonated with Renee’s work … joy NOW. No thank you to divide. Yes please to inclusion. To courage, one step at a time, to overcoming fear, to making mistakes, to not giving up, to keep trying. To developing the real, authentic voice. Gratitude to my teachers. Indigenous teachers, standing, with no notes. Yes please to evolution. To uncertainty and innovation. The transmission of joy and laughter into the whole system.

Visual Maps:

58A Public Visual Satsang, Susan, Core Energy, April 7, 2023, Christina Merkley

Click Map to Enlarge


58B Public Visual Satsang, Dolly, In the Playground, April 7, 2023, Christina Merkley

Click Map to Enlarge


58C Public Visual Satsang, Renee, NOW, April 7, 2023, Christina Merkley

Click Map to Enlarge


Tuesday, May 2, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Pacific Time
convert to your zone

To get ongoing logistics and reminders, one-time registration.


Public and Private options HERE.

Of course you can! See SHIFT-IT School for training.

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