Category: Events

Checking In and New Programs Coming

Hello. I hope all is well on your end, and that you are dealing okay with the intensity that surrounds us. We certainly do not live in boring times do we?! I’ve been in a very dense phase of development and growth, again. Thank you for your patience and continued support of my evolution. I… Read more »

Seeking 3 More Deep Divers – We Start Next Saturday

Christina Merkley at her drawing tablet creating visual maps. banner for private visual satsang starting march 18, 2023

A few months into 2023 and I’m processing people left, right and center … with visuals of course! Anneke Lucas and I launched our Shifting the Power, with Love program. We’ve attracted 90+ remarkable folks from over 17 countries. We are deliciously in the middle of explaining and helping people integrate The Unconditional Model, to… Read more »


table filled with colourful markers and painted stones inscribed with Love. banner for private visual satsang starting march 18, 2023

Twice a year I offer the Private Visual Satsang, in the extended 16-week format. Satsang is Sanskrit for “community of true people”. It’s a small private cohort dedicated to mature Inner Work, during these intense and polarizing times. This new cohort has been quietly filling up on its own. Folks familiar with the container come… Read more »

Deep Inner Work Via Shifting the Power

Shifting the Power banner with Christina Merkley and Anneke Lucas

We’re delighted to report that the launch of our new course, Shifting the Power, is going very well! We begin on Thursday, February 16 and have 40+ registered so far. Click for Full Details and Registration My co-host Anneke Lucas is originally from Belgium. She and her story are known in Europe. As such we… Read more »

Shifting the Power with Anneke Lucas

Shifting the Power banner with Christina Merkley and Anneke Lucas

I’ve been coaching for a long time, almost half my life. When I first started, I was doing a lot of corporate Strategic Planning, so my coaching was pretty Left Brained (logical, rational and linear). However, as I experimented with visuals, took tons of varied training, and worked with more and more people … I… Read more »


Courses and visual maps with pens and drawing tools on a desk

GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE! Want to play Santa or have someone play Santa for you?! We are happy to provide gift suggestions and custom Gift Certificates. Email Elf Jill at ONLINE COURSES: February 16 to April 20, 2023 – NEW COURSE! Thursdays, 11 – 12:30 pm Pacific Time, convert to your zone SHIFTING THE POWER… Read more »

2 Spots Left for Private Visual Satsang

desk covered in pens and painted rocks for Visual Satsang

This Saturday a new Private Visual Satsang starts. Satsang is Sanskrit for “community of true people”. It’s a small private cohort dedicated to mature Inner Work, during these intense and polarizing times. This new cohort has been quietly filling up on its own. With less than a week until we start, we currently have just… Read more »


Courses and visual maps with pens and drawing tools on a desk

ONLINE COURSES: Recession Prices Still in Effect: Save 50% October 4, 2022 to June 30, 2023 – 3 Spots Left! Tuesdays, Noon – 2pm Pacific Time, convert to your zone VISUAL COACH CERTIFICATION * Pre-requisites: Fundamentals of Working Visually and SHIFT-IT. PRIVATE INNER WORK: October 22, 2022 – February 18, 2023 – 4 Spots Left!… Read more »

Visual Coach Certification Launches Soon

Are you eyeing Visual Coach Certification? 2022 Cohort is fast approaching. Now is the time to add this humane niche to your process toolkit … RECESSION PRICING IN EFFECT: SAVE 50% Visual Coach Certification: Starts October 4th 4 Spots Left! Full Details and Application I’ve trained 1000s across the globe in Visual Skills – helping… Read more »


Courses and visual maps with pens and drawing tools on a desk

ONLINE COURSES: Pandemic Prices Still in Effect: Save 50% September 9, 10 & 11, 2022 SHIFT-IT VISUAL COACHING RETREAT * Pre-requisite for Visual Coach Certification October 4, 2022 to June 30, 2023 – 9 Spots Left! Tuesdays, Noon-2pm Pacific Time, convert to your zone VISUAL COACH CERTIFICATION * Pre-requisites: Fundamentals of Working Visually and SHIFT-IT.… Read more »