Tag: polarity work


Courses and visual maps with pens and drawing tools on a desk

ONLINE COURSES: Pandemic Prices Still in Effect: Save 50% September 9, 10 & 11, 2022 SHIFT-IT VISUAL COACHING RETREAT * Pre-requisite for Visual Coach Certification October 4, 2022 to June 30, 2023 – 9 Spots Left! Tuesdays, Noon-2pm Pacific Time, convert to your zone VISUAL COACH CERTIFICATION * Pre-requisites: Fundamentals of Working Visually and SHIFT-IT.… Read more »


Courses and visual maps with pens and drawing tools on a desk

ONLINE COURSES: Pandemic Prices Still in Effect: Save 50% September 9, 10 & 11, 2022 SHIFT-IT VISUAL COACHING RETREAT * Pre-requisite for Visual Coach Certification October 4, 2022 to June 30, 2023 – 9 Spots Left! Tuesdays, Noon-2pm Pacific Time, convert to your zone VISUAL COACH CERTIFICATION * Pre-requisites: Fundamentals of Working Visually and SHIFT-IT.… Read more »


Courses and visual maps with pens and drawing tools on a desk

FALL 2022 SEMESTER: SHIFT-IT – ONLINE VISUAL COACHING RETREAT Pandemic Prices Still in Effect: Save 50% Supportive and effective Visual Coaching experience – The SHIFT-IT Retreat. Gift yourself, or someone close, to three special days to personally retreat and literally draw your next chapter out. No art skills required, although creatives of all kinds love this visual… Read more »

Visual Satsang – Private Support for Intense Times

Visual Satsang

Visual Satsang to the rescue! Oh boy, going on two years and our world is still cookin’ … The Early Days: When I started the pro bono Visual Coaching to offer support as the pandemic swept into North America … few of us knew that we’d be in for an extended haul. And that many… Read more »

Process PopUp #23: Wise Consciousness Drawn Out Via Self Inquiry

Process Group #22A & 22 B – 2020 Shifts (October 20, 2020 – Visual Coaching). RETREAT TO RECONNECT Process PopUp#22A: Yiely works in Canadian healthcare.  She wonders how to best support herself, coworkers, and clients. We go straight to consciousness to get answers. Through a field with a black hole, she encounters supportive beings …… Read more »

New Visual Satsangs: Join Us for Next 6 Months

The new Visual Satsangs start next week – just in time for the hairy American election and whatever its aftermath is going to be. I wasn’t sure when I launched two cohorts at the same time how things would go. Would one be favored over the other? Turns out they are neck and neck –… Read more »

New Visual Satsangs – Support for Intense Times

Oh boy, 2020 just keeps on cranking it up … When I started the pro bono Visual Coaching to offer support as the pandemic swept into North America … none of us knew that we’d be in for an extended haul. And that many other serious traumas would arise for reckoning and sacred sight this… Read more »


Process PopUp, Visual Coaching with Christina Merkley

Process PopUp #9 – Pandemic Support (May 24, 2020 – Visual Coaching). As North America ventures out from lock-down the theme of this week was ‘vulnerability’ in its many guises. From a retired social worker grappling with being labeled elderly. To a biz professor wary of the actions of some in her state. To a… Read more »


Process PopUp#7 – Pandemic Support (May 7, 2020 – Visual Coaching). Our examination of polarities continues … this time the juicy territory of real vs fake news. Follow along as these courageous processors tackle controversial territory. Discovering many motivations are not only the same but honorable. The results – increased understanding and humility. Well done… Read more »


Process PopUp #6 – Pandemic Support (April 30, 2020 – Visual Coaching). Our online Process Group is back! Still open for all (spread the word) however registration now required to keep container safe. What a powerful return we had … doing mature examination and owning of the Victim/Victimizer polarity within us.  So we can more… Read more »